About us

NLHydrogen is the hydrogen industry association that connects, strengthens, and represents the Dutch hydrogen sector. Our association has members active in the production, import, transport, use and storage of hydrogen, including the related manufacturing industry. Together, we are leading the transition to a CO2-free society. Through knowledge building and sharing, a powerful network and sustainable solutions, we ensure that our members are and remain frontrunners.  

Members NLHydrogen

Our association represents the following members:

Board NLHydrogen

  • Marcel Galjee, Managing Director HyCC, voorzitter
  • Diederick Luijten, Vice President Hydrogen Energy & Mobility Air Liquide
  • Yolande Verbeek , COO EBN
  • Marinus Tabak, Chief Operating Officer RWE Generation & RWE Country Chair Netherlands
  • Mattijs Slee, CEO Battolyser
  • Ruud de Jongh, Vice President Gas and Hydrogen projects Shell Netherlands
  • Michael Schlaug, Managing Director Yara

Team NLHydrogen

Jacqueline Vaessen

Director a.i.

Alice Krekt

Alice Krekt


Samira Farahani

Committee on System and Infrastructure / International relations

Roelof uit Beijerse

Committee on Hydrogen Availability (production & import) / Committee Public Affairs

Dirk Schaap

Committee on Use of Hydrogen

Pascale Appels

Pascale Appels

Office Manager

Harry van Dijk

Project advisor

Jean-Paul de Poorter

Jean-Paul de Poorter

New members / projects

Committees and working groups NLHydrogen

Our members discuss hydrogen related issues in committees and working groups. For example, advices are drawn up here to help think along about hydrogen policy. The following committees are currently active: